Sunday, March 28, 2010

NY Times Free Articles: Passover at the White House

FYI: You can read NY Times articles free online.

Here is a funny one about Passover at the White House

Friday, March 26, 2010

FREE Daily Omer Reminders

This is one of the best lists of all time! Amazing Stuff. You can buy the book through his site or get the emails for FREE!

Subscribe to the Daily Omer Reminder - FREE

The 7 week period between Passover and Shavuot is a powerful span of time, which empowers us to refine our lives and elevate our souls. The spectrum of human emotions divide into 49 different attributes, each one corresponding to one day in this 49-day period, which begins this coming Tuesday night, March 30th.

Click here to subscribe to our daily e-mail reminder (see sample below). Every morning you will receive in your inbox the evening Omer count and its corresponding emotional attribute, with a short insight and an exercise for each day -- excerpted from Simon Jacobson's classic: A Spiritual Guide to the Counting of the Omer, Forty-Nine Steps to Personal Refinement.

Already subscribed? Subscribe your friends and associates (or forward them this e-mail) -- and give them a gift they will forever appreciate.

Here is a sample of this year's first installment:


Tuesday night, March 30, we count one day of the Omer.
Wednesay night, March 31, we count two days of the Omer.

Day 1 - Chesed of Chesed: Lovingkindness in Lovingkindness

Love is the single most powerful and necessary component in life. It is both giving and receiving. Love allows us to reach above and beyond ourselves, to experience another person and to allow that person to experience us. It is the tool by which we learn to experience the highest reality - God. Examine the love aspect of your love. Ask yourself: What is my capacity to love another person? Do I have problems with giving? Am I stingy or selfish? Is it difficult for me to let someone else into my life? Am I afraid of my vulnerability, of opening up and getting hurt?

Exercise for the day: Find a new way to express your love to a dear one.

Day 2 - Gevurah of Chesed: Discipline in Lovingkindness

Healthy love must always include an element of discipline and discernment; a degree of distance and respect for another's boundaries; an assessment of another's capacity to contain your love. Love must be tempered and directed properly. Ask a parent who, in the name of love, has spoiled a child; or someone who suffocates a spouse with love and doesn't allow them any personal space.

Exercise for the day: Help someone on their terms not on yours. Apply yourself to their specific needs even if it takes effort.

Excerpt from The Spiritual Guide to Counting the Omer, by Simon Jacobson. ©Copyright The Meaningful Life Center, 2010. All rights reserved.

Click here to order the book. For more information on this fascinating 49 day journey click here.

To subscribe to this daily Omer reminder, please click here.

Please help us continue offering this valuable service by making a suggested donation of $5. Click here to make your secure on-line donation now.


The Omer is counted at night, while standing, immediately following the evening prayer. You begin with the following blessing:

Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the Universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments, and commanded us concerning the counting of the Omer.

Following this blessing you count the specific day of the Omer, and then recite the following prayer:

May the Merciful One restore the Holy Temple to its place, speedily in our days; Amen.

For the Choirmaster; a song with instrumental music; a Psalm. May G-d be gracious to us and bless us; may He make His countenance shine upon us forever; that Your way be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations. The nations will extol You, O G-d; all the nations will extol You. The nations will rejoice and sing for joy, for You will judge the peoples justly and guide the nations on earth forever. The peoples will extol You, O G-d; all the peoples will extol You, for the earth will have yielded its produce and G-d; our G-d, will bless us. G-d will bless us; and all, from the farthest corners of the earth, shall fear Him.

We implore you, by the great power of Your right hand, release the captive. Accept the prayer of Your people; strengthen us, purify us, Awesome One. Mighty One, we beseech You, guard as the apple of the eye those who seek Your Oneness. Bless them, cleanse them; bestow upon them forever Your merciful righteousness. Powerful, Holy One, in Your abounding goodness, guide Your congregation. Only and Exalted One, turn to Your people who are mindful of Your holiness. Accept our supplication and hear our cry, You who knows secret thoughts. Blessed be the name of the glory of His kingdom forever and ever.

Master of the universe, You have commanded us through Moses Your servant to count Sefirat Ha-Omer, in order to purify us from our evil and uncleanness. As You have written in Your Torah, "You shall count for yourselves from the day following the day of rest, from the day on which you bring the Omer as a wave-offering; shall be for seven full weeks. Until the day following the seventh week shall you count fifty days," so that the souls of Your people Israel may be cleansed from their defilement. Therefore, may it be Your will, L-rd our G-d and G-d of our fathers, that in the merit of the Sefirat Ha-Omer which I counted today, the blemish that I have caused in the sefirah be rectified and I may be purified and sanctified with supernal holiness. May abundant bounty thereby be bestowed upon all the worlds. May it rectify our nefesh, ruach and neshamah from every baseness and defect, and may it purify and sanctify us with Your supernal holiness. Amen, selah.

Thursday, March 25, 2010




Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Happy Passover: Chabad Passover Guide

Happy Passover to all my readers!

Here is a free Passover Guide created by Chabad. There is also a link to send Free Passover Greetings.

Passover 2010: Get Answers. Visit Having trouble viewing this email? Click here to view.  
Add to your address book.
This Passover: Don't Be Stumped by the Four Questions. Get Answers. Visit Click here.

Passover is celebrated March 29 - April 6, 2010 wishes you and your family a Happy and Kosher Passover!
To send free Passover e-greetings, click here.  

Feel free to forward this email to your family and friends!



Monday, March 22, 2010

Support Israel: Bridge Houston Celebration/Rally

Free way for us to support Israel!
Sign up for their newsletter!  Join Our Mailing List
Bridge Houston™     Newsletter

22 March 2010
Anniversary Rally

March 2010

Dear Friend,

Make plans to JOIN US this week for the 2nd Anniversary of our very first bridge rally.  A big Todah Rabah to all of you for contributing to our success and growing our group.

Bridge Houston ™ remains Houston's most active organization for showing public support for Israel with a special focus on those who are not typically reached by the message that Real Americans Support Israel. 

Please join us this week for a celebration as we return to where it all started.  Scroll down for details.

Chag Sameach to y'all, hope everyone has a Happy Passover.

Standing together for Israel,

Ira Bleiweiss
Bridge Houston ™

In This Issue
25 March - BRIDGE RALLY!
Bridge Houston Radio
25 March 4pm - Support Israel Rally
Lone Star States
Join us for a pre-Passover rally on the Mandell Bridge as we celebrate our 2nd anniversary and remind fellow Houstonians that ONE country in the Middle East is accepting of all religions and that MANY countries prohibit freedom of religion and impose apartheid on their women.

Numbers make a difference and your participation sends a more powerful message.  Our rallies are fun, safe and effective.  Israel Wants Peace and you can help.
A map to the Mandell Street bridge, 4600 Mandell, may be found at this link.

Park on side streets Vasser and Castle Court ONLY. Do not park on the bridge. Do not park in the bicycle lane and be careful not to park within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.

Bridge Houston Radio
A View From Zion Radio
Image courtesy of Michael Duke - Jewish Herald Voice

We now have a daily radio commentary about Israel, the only regular pro-Zionist radio spot in Houston.   Listen weekdays at 2:55 p.m. as Bridge Houston presents a three-and-a-half minute commentary called "View from Zion: News from Jews You Can Use."

Bridge Houston has become a paid sponsor of "The What's Up Radio Program," hosted by Terry Lowry, on KKHT 100.7 FM.  This program presents an opportunity to reach out to a listening audience of over 100,000 as we counter some of the myths and propaganda being used against Israe

Archived shows are available through
The What's Up Radio Program website.
 Go to Archives Tab and search on 'Bridge Houston' to listen to our previous shows and numerous interviews.

If you like what we're doing,  contact us about helping sponsor some programs.

Read about this latest undertaking in The Jewish Herald Voice.

LISTEN to some sample clips:
Israel's Separation Barrier
So, you want to Boycott Israel?
Anti-zionism vs. antisemitism
Activities Update Coming
Just because we haven't written in a while doesn't mean we haven't been busy.  Stay tuned for a newsletter update with a summary of our recent activities and how we're making a difference.

Lone Star States
Thanks again to all for your continued support, encouragement and participation.

Please write us with your comments and questions.

Ira Bleiweiss
Bridge Houston ™

Our Mission

Lone Star States

Bridge Houston™ represents the new generation of pro-Israel advocacy.

Bridge Houston™ is working to educate, embolden and mobilize our community to speak up and stand up for Israel with a variety of educational programs and activities.

Bridge Houston™ has delivered a positive message about Israel to tens of thousands of Houstonians and has been successfully disrupting the activities of local hate groups.

We welcome and enjoy interfaith support for the only democracy in the Middle East. Attempts to proselytize at Bridge Houston™ events harm interfaith relations and cultivate a corrosive relationship.  Individuals compelled to do missionary work on Jews will not be well received at our activities.

Our Sponsors
Creating Beautiful Environments for People to Work and Live
Hoffer Furniture

Visit Our Sponsor

Become a Sponsor
Join Our Mailing List

Bridge Houston™ | P.O. Box 31431 | Houston | TX | 77231

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Picture for RA Sushi
TIME:   6:00pm-9:00pm
            RA SUSHI
            3908 WESTHEIMER, HOUSTON TX 77027
            $10.00 COVER CHARGE AT DOOR

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Jewish Film Festival: B2G1 Free!

Thanks Houston on The Cheap for finding this deal!

The Jewish Film Festival in Houston starts today! They have a special promo going on: Buy 2 tickets get 1 free!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fwd: "YAD Casino Night - 2010 Pre-Registration ends today!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Facebook <>
Date: Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 11:46 AM
Subject: "YAD Casino Night - 2010" sent you a message on Facebook...
To: Elizabeth Leass <>

Rene Cartagena Kariel sent a message to the members of YAD Casino Night - 2010.

Subject: Casino Night Pre-Registration Closes tomorrow!

Hi Everyone,

If you haven't registered yet we just wanted to remind you that PRE-REGISTRATION CLOSES 3/3/2010 AT MIDNIGHT

Pre-Registration is $18 and you get 2 free drink tickets

At the door price is $25 and only 1 free drink ticket

We also suggest a minimum gift to the Federation Annual Campaign of $54 but that is only a suggestion... we STRONGLY feel that you should give a gift of significance to you - whether more or less that is for you to decide :)

Hope to see you all there on Saturday for this great event!;

P.S. We have some awesome raffle prizes that you may have the opportunity to win!

Lucky Strike Bowling Party - JCC 3 Month Membership - Overnight stay at Aloft Hotel and much much more!

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